January 2015 is here!! Woohoo! How excited are you for this New Year? It’s that month that brings a sense of rejuvenation. Dust off the old, invent the new and add some zazzle to your life in only a way that you know how! While September has me craving freshly sharpened pencils, January begs for that freshly sharpened eye … for me anyway. And as I tuck away the Christmas décor and get a jump start on cleaning and organizing, I get anxious to share some valuable tips with you. Tips that help you, “take the ugly out of your home!” We all want harmonious spaces that we enjoy. After all, when’s the last time someone told you “I love when my home looks ugly?” So as you start this New Year with vigor and anticipation, consider some of my interior design tips to help you beautify your home.
Remove the Eye Sores
Look around your room and ask yourself these questions: “Would I purchase this today in a store? Do I absolutely love this item? Is this piece I like to sit on? Do I love the wall color? What would encourage me to come into this room more and enjoy it?” The answers to these questions will help you identify your eye sores. Look for items that are dusty and old, brass fixtures and finishes, dated styles, harsh patterns or dated colors, items too small to fill a wall or items too large on a small one. Styles that clash with one another, aged wallpaper, broken items you can’t repair, or fixtures that have been there way too long are all dating your spaces and creating eye sores. Consider stopping by your local bookstore to gain some inspiration in the Design Magazines section or look online at your favorite stores and see what styles and trends they are featuring. Then mirror your space after the current ones you like.
Accept the Design Trends
I understand holding on to a style you love. But no matter how passionate you are about lace doilies, mauve wallpaper or brass fixtures, accept that they are out of style and no longer fashionable! If you desire a space that has the latest colors and styles, then you must evolve with the times. There’s no way around it. If you want a current and fashionable look, letting go of the past is essential. And here’s the good news … today’s trends are flexible and cater to all different tastes. I’ve also noticed that when it comes to current designs and colors, that as long as you follow the general blueprint for them, you can add your own personality to them and still have current design trends in your home.
Make a Date With Yourself
You wouldn’t start making a recipe without checking for all the ingredients, right? The same rule applies to designing a space. Putting together a great space can take time, organizing, patience, and proper scheduling. Start your project first by making a checklist of all the items you need for your space. Create a budget list as well so you are well aware of what you are going to spend on this project. Then, schedule dates on your calendar when you are going to execute your design. Schedule shopping dates, painting dates, renovation needs, assembly dates, etc. If you do this, you eliminate any unnecessary stress. You also set realistic expectations. I have witnessed many homeowners stress themselves out by trying to accomplish their projects in unrealistic timeframes with unrealistic budgets. Plan ahead of time (including people that may need to help you), and you will actually enjoy the project, the process, and the end result!
Make The Decision for Change
You know what space in your home where you walk in the room and you silently (sigh) at it but don’t know why? It’s your least favorite room in the house. And there’s something about this space that nearly makes your blood boil or has you reaching for that itch to scratch. Perhaps it’s that room that you’ve needed to re-organize, clean, paint, decorate, or add window coverings. Well, here’s a little secret … it’s going to continue to be an eye sore until you make the decision to change it. After all, everything in our lives is attitude, right? I’ve always designed my spaces with a golden rule: “I will LOVE every inch of every room in my spaces if I approach them that way.” Even a laundry room or walk-in pantry can be a fun space if you adopt the right mindset towards it. I once had a friend who was at my home walk past my laundry room and said, “your laundry room looks nicer than my master bedroom!” What a compliment, right? I wanted to enjoy the room so I made the decision that I would design the space in a way that I would love going in that room and not dread it. And guess what? … I did. I painted the walls a grayish-brown color, installed some really nice cabinets, added a chandelier (instead of the fluorescent overhead one) and hung some nice photography prints on the wall.
Get Your Shades On!
The ingredients that make a space successful are the proper balance of color palette, style and/or theme, furniture, rugs (if needed), accessories, lighting, textures and window coverings. When I see people skip the window coverings, I am easily able to define what is missing in their space. Especially if the space feels sterile or lacks that cozy factor. Window Coverings not only help you direct light, provide privacy, and insulate but they also add design features that will enhance your space. It’s one more area of your room where you can showcase your colors, textures, theme, and style.
Have a look at these at these spaces. Imagine the space without any window shades. Without window coverings, the space feels incomplete! Add window coverings to your spaces and you will see a drastic difference.
Love this Shade? It’s the blackout roller shade from @Home Collection by Carriann Johnson in color “Licorice.”
Get these shades at selectblinds.com now
Follow these tips when making your taking the ugly out of your home and you’re sure to fall in love with your home all over again!
Happy Decorating!